Country Malawi
Region : Northern and Central mountainous parts of Malawi
Producers2,500-3000 smallholder farmers in 6 primary societies: 30% of board are women; Women’s Coffee available
POST-HARVEST PROCESS: Fully washed from 57 central washing stations serving all farmer. central cupping laboratory and trained cuppers.
VARIETIES: Nyika, Geisha, Catimor 129 and several local varieties
SOIL TYPE: Clay, loamy soils
HARVEST TIME: May to October
ELEVATION: Above 1,300 TO 2,000m


Leaders in achieving quality life for Malawian smallholder Coffee farmers


World class producers, processors and marketers of speciality and certified coffee through sustainable cooperatives and coffee based farming systems.


  •     Promote formation of self sustainable farmer organisations
  •     Production of Coffee through use of sustainable technologies and facilitating access to finance by producers,     cooperatives    and the Union
  •     Processing and Marketing of Coffee and other products on domestic and international markets
  •     Promote women participation in coffee business at all levels
  •     Promote business diversification at farmer, cooperative and union levels with aim of self sustaining business at each level

Establishment1 April 2007
Total Number of Members2,500-3,000 (More than 25% are women.)
AddressP.O. Box 20133, Luwinga, Mzuzu, Malawi
Phone+265 (0) 1 620 899
Opening Hours7:30-17:00 (Mon-Fri)

Mzuzu Coffee Planters Cooperative Union Limited was established on 1 April 2007.

Before the Union was established, it operated as Smallholder Coffee Authority from 1979 to 1999 and as Smallholder Coffee Farmers Trust from 1999 to 2007.

Mzuzu Coffee Planters Cooperative Union Limited comprised the following cooperatives;

  1. Misuku Hills (1,700m-2,000m altitude) in Chitipa district
  2. Viphya Hills (1,200-1,500m altitude) in Rumphi district
  3. Nkhata Bay Highlands (1,000-2,000m altitude) in Nkhata Bay district
  4. South East Mzimba (1,200-1,700 m altitude) in Mzimba district

In addition to producing coffee through smallholders, the Union also operates its own Usingini Commercial Farm, runs a coffee shop known as ‘MZUZU COFFEE DEN’, family facilities ‘MZUZU COFFEE SUITES’ and honey production.